Sunday, March 29, 2009

Only by the grace of God

We are so happy to say that we made it safely to Guangzhou yesterday. We are unhappy to say that the day was incredibly difficult. Our daughter does not like to fly and she made sure others knew it. She was OK when the plane first took off and then started wailing!! Nothing like having eyes staring at you as your child screams uncontrollably!! Fortunately the stewardess was very kind and helpful but Jodi was a handful the whole day. We thought it was very interesting that she chose to wear the outfit from the orphanage for our plane flight. We think that the transition was very frightening for her because after 2 weeks the hotel had become our home. Even this morning she was screaming and crying uncontrollably so that we missed breakfast. We wondered what alien had taken over our little girl. As of this moment, the sweet one is back but we know it could change at any moment with her strong will and all of the transitions she is making. We have been praying for God to soothe and comfort her and for His guidance in how we can best help her.
Now for the good part! Guangzhou is really beautiful and a nice change from the big city. Fred felt like it reminds him of Savannah with the foliage and architecture. The 2 cute pictures are of Jodi and her "boyfriend" (which he now calls himself!). They hug and today she had her head in Keith's lap on the bus. He told her he was going to really miss her! How incredibly cute is that?? The other pictures are some of the incredible sites right outside our door. We went to a market today where the young man in the picture was painting with the side of his hand. It was really amazing and he has quite a gift. We had German food today which was quite good and Kelly if you're reading this, they have a restaurant that only serves snake! I'll bring you some leftovers. :) Love and hugs to you all and we covet your prayers as we continue to learn as parents.


  1. Ni hao! from the couple from FL whom you met at breakfast in Beijing. We are so sorry that you had a difficult day. We know how you feel. We met our Dianne at 3:30 yesterday (Sun.). She has luckily taken to David (whom she resembles), but wants nothing to do with the "white woman with the blue eyes." It is 1:38am Nanchang time and we are putting her to sleep again after a bottle. She is letting me touch her without crying, so there's progress.
    We are enjoying your blog and thank you for your kindness and words of consolation and wisdom. We believe that God put you in that moment for us as we are alone here.
    God bless and we hope that you enjoy the rest of your time here. We will be praying for an easier time for you and Jodi on your return flight home.
    Donna and David Espiritu (Jax., FL)

  2. hey yall, im so excited that yall are on your way back. im sorry she got upset on the plane. don't stress about it though. having people stare at you and your child is just one more reminder that she is yours so thank god. you all will be great parents you already are.
