Saturday, May 23, 2009

She's a Tough One

Hi again! It's Saturday afternoon and Jodi's making good progress. She now has the breathing tube, nose tubes out, and restraints gone which is great and so much more comfortable for her. I wasn't in the room when they extubated her but evidently she let them know what good lungs she has! She's such a little trooper even though you can tell she doesn't feel well. She greeted me with a smile this morning even with all of those tubes still in place. They are hoping to move Jodi to a regular room by the end of the day which will be great for all of us. Hard to rest with all that beeping going on in ICU! She's now laying in the bed watching her favorite movie "101 Dalmatians" with Baba. The doctor came by earlier and was very pleased with her progress. Sounds like we're on the right track. We are grateful for your continued prayers, love, and support. God bless!


  1. Sending you light and love... every minute.

  2. sooo wonderful to hear..... she is a survivor!!!!she is in my prayers as well as you and fred... you both are such great parents... she is a lucky lil girl to have u both as you both are lucky to have such a strong lil girl...
    love you all

  3. Sending those "Beamers" your way! Love you all!!
