Saturday, June 13, 2009

Great Report

Hi all! Sorry for the delay in writing recently but going back to work has kicked life into high gear!! My mother was here for a while and was a great help with our transition. Now Jodi goes to work with Baba and says, "Jodi Lang go to work." It's tough for me to leave every day especially when she says, "Mama no work" but it actually has gone smoothly so far. We got a great report from her surgeon on Thursday. They were very pleased with her healing and movement and we don't go back for another month! They will continue to monitor her with MRIs through the months to be sure that all is going well. Jodi has some difficulty with stairs and seems weaker in her lower body but she remains very busy!!!
Jodi is soaking up things like a sponge and we are amazed at how much she says and understands already. She can count, recognizes alot of letters, say her prayers, and loves to sing. She is so anxious to learn and very proud of herself when she learns something new. She is a true joy and keeps us laughing! She's still very shy around people especially children her own age but this slowly seems to be improving. We love her so so much and recognize what a blessing she is. We continue to be in awe of the cards, gifts, and food that you all are sending. We truly cannot thank you enough! Happy Summer everybody!!


  1. Oh what GREAT news!!! We are celebrating with you!! Her smile is lighting up my room from the screen! A big hug to you all ...we love you!

  2. good news glad she is doing well......
    but fred in the second pic are you making her pull your finger?? phew stinky....LOL
