Sunday, June 28, 2009

Baba and Jodi Washing the Car

Hi all! Sorry for the long delay in writing. I am not doing nearly as well in getting new pictures or writing but will try to improve!! Jodi is doing so well and is definitely getting stronger. We thank God for that!

We had a wonderful first Baba's Day! We got to spoil Baba with some good food and lots of fun. Jodi helped me make him some cards and cookies. She likes to help Baba wash the car and we've been playing "water park" which actually amounts to a sprinkler and a ball. Lots of fun though! We also got to Skype with her sweet little friend Keith from Mobile. We were surprised that Jodi was so quiet while her friend was chattering away. Keith is already speaking in complete sentences! These kids are unbelievable. They did not speak one word of Chinese to each other which was really interesting. We weren't sure how that would go. Jodi almost looked a little sad while visiting with Keith. At one point he said, "I love you." Finally Jodi pipes up and yells at the screen, "I love you!!!!" It was the cutest thing ever. We still have faith that our arranged marriage could work. :)

This morning during our service we were encouraged to pray for those who needed healing or to go to the front if you needed prayer. I had gone up to pray with a friend of mine. After a few minutes, I see Jodi coming up to the altar. It was precious! I helped her up onto the altar and then our wonderful friend Rene prayed for Jodi's healing. It was very moving and I started to cry. When we got down to the pew, Jodi was drying my eyes and making sure I was OK. What an amazing spirit she has. Fred and I keep saying we have alot to learn from her. Before you start thinking our child has a halo, you should also know that when I got into bed the other night my sheets were wet where our little one had spilled water and didn't want us to know! There is plenty of mischief and stubbornness in this little package. Much love to you and your family!!

1 comment:

  1. Is it my imagination or does she look taller than she was two months ago??!! What a beautiful, strong girl!
