Sunday, January 24, 2010

Into the New Year

Happy January!! The first picture shows her royal highness on her throne from Aunt Laura and Uncle Bobo. It lights up which she (and Mama) thinks is very cool!! The next one shows her with her Nye Nye when we were on our way out of town at Christmas. The holidays always go so quickly and I'm always left with a sense of sadness when it comes to an end. Now we look forward to the promise of spring!! The last picture shows Jodi modelling her new coat (pink of course) with the fuzzy hood. She had me take her picture in 3 different locations and gave me approval on each one. What a character!!
We are quickly approaching our year anniversary of meeting our daughter for the first time. It is beyond belief to us that this year has gone so quickly. Now we can't imagine life without her. Jodi continues to be a very loving child, affectionate and constantly saying, "I love you." She is also a strong willed 5 year old who is trying her best to push her little weight around and split Mama and Baba to get what she wants. She keeps us on our toes because she's a smart little one!! We continue to pray that we are the parents she needs us to be and that we keep a united front!!
Physically Jodi is doing well for having such an unusual diagnosis. She is definitely weaker in her left leg and can fall quite a bit when she's playing but it doesn't seem to bother her much. At our last doctor's appointment, we were shocked to find out that she has grown 5 inches since we got her!! She truly is a different child and you can see it when you compare pictures from a year ago. Jodi has her hand surgery on Thursday and we would greatly appreciate your prayers for her healing. We only have to stay overnight if there are any complications or if pain is an issue. Our love and thanks to you wherever you are tonight!!! God bless.

1 comment:

  1. She is so beautiful and looks so well-adjusted! I hope we can visit North Carolina this summer and see you all!
