Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fun on Mother's Day

I had a wonderful first Mother's Day, a day that I wasn't sure I would ever get to celebrate. Jodi and Baba definitely spoiled me! It was such a beautiful day and we decided to try our hand at putt putt.
In her usual fashion, Jodi was so excited to try something new. She would scream, "Yea!" whenever the ball went in the hole. She continues to be a ray of sunshine and I keep telling people I have alot to learn from her! She goes to bed happy and wakes up happy.
The other picture shows her at "seepytime"( as she calls it). She loves to snuggle when she's sleepy and gives lots of hugs and kisses. It's a special time! Jodi can now say all of her colors, knows her prayers at bedtime and for meals, and is using more English words overall. I love hearing her little accent when she tries to say new words.
Now for the not so fun part. We had her CT scan and preop today. She is so well behaved for these medical professionals. We were shocked that she laid still for her CT scan so they didn't have to sedate her. Baba stayed by her side and kept her calm. We are scheduled to go in on May 22 and look forward to saying that all went well. We are incredibly grateful for the love, encouragement, and support you have all given us. It really sustains us when the fear starts creeping in. Much love to you and your family today.


  1. I am so glad you had a wonderful first Mother's Day, Susan! What a joy! I love you so much!! Julie

  2. Happy (belated) Mother's Day Susan! It sounds like it was a very special day! The putt putt pictures are so cute, so thanks for sharing!!!

  3. We are praying for the three of you. Angels are all around Jodi and will see her through whatever happens. She was given to you for a reason. She is in the right place with loving parents and God will guide the doctors hands to help her.God bless. :):)
