Monday, April 27, 2009


Baba was able to go with us to the pool today so we have some pictures this time! Jodi absolutely loves the water. She kept saying "pool later" when I told her this morning that we were going. Our brave little soul saw another little boy jumping off the side of the pool and wanted to try it herself. I was floored by her bravery and talk about trusting!! All I could think was "please don't let me drop her when she jumps in" because I knew if she went underwater, that was it. Baba coached her from the side and she jumped over and over. She is now sitting on the sofa exhausted so I see a good night of sleep ahead for her. Her bravery made me think how we sometimes have to jump in (literally take that leap of faith) and just trust God that He will not only catch us but provide for us beyond what we can imagine. That certainly has happened for us with the incredible gift of Jodi.
We have been provided some incredible food by wonderful people from church which feels very undeserved! We are blessed beyond belief. Love to you today!

1 comment:

  1. You can tell by her precious grin that she really does love the pool! How cute?! Thanks for sharing about taking a leap of faith...God is always there to catch us when we trust in Him, and Jodi is a great example of that!
