Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Olympic Site

Today was a free day so we joined our new friends at the Olympic area. Pretty exciting to get to see everything!
The Bird's Nest is a very impressive piece of architecture and the Water Cube is huge!! The park was very crowded and we were one of the main attractions. It was really interesting to see how much we were stared at. People would literally stand there and watch us for a while! They were taking pictures of us and one boy and his friend asked to have a picture made with us. I don't know if it was my blonde hair or if it was because there was a big group of Americans with Asian children. We thought about setting up a donation area to have pictures made with us!!!
Our daughter loves to sing and we decided she's a genius because she knows Frere Jacque (sp?). Actually her friend sings it too so that must have been one they know from the orphanage. At the Olympic site, they were playing the Chinese Olympic song. Jodi and her friend both burst into song which was so cute.
The pictures today are showing what a little ham she is. I gave her the new scarf and hat and she proceeded to pull the hat down over her face. Our own little "Cousin It." Too bad Fred and I aren't silly like that.....:) We discovered at lunch that Subway here does not have the 5 dollar footlong!!
We have a prayer request as we are all feeling a little under the weather with congestion and coughs. My mother in particular is struggling with a cold. Thank you in advance and love you all so much!


  1. Yes, it's a shame Jodi has such serious non creative parents. LOL What a precious soul! We can't wait to play with her! :-) Healing prayers to all of you ... and a big Max lick for Mom. So sorry you're not feeling great. Hope your cold will clear up soon. We love you!!!

  2. This is such an exciting time for you. Thank you for sharing your adventure with us. I look forward every day to checking out what you have done that day! I pray that the Lord will give you all strength and restore health to your bodies.
