Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy First Halloween

It was definitely a Happy First Halloween for Jodi AKA Cinderella. We were fortunate enough to join another princess (Keri), Hannah Montana (Madison), and their great parents for a night out. Jodi was very unsure and quiet at first. Her first house happened to be the Allens, some wonderful friends from church so they helped her ease into it. As you can see by the other pictures, it didn't take too long before she was quite comfortable and on a mission! I felt a little badly for Jodi because it was hard for her to keep up with her friends at times but they were good to come back and get her. Also Baba saved the day and became her royal carriage which every true princess should have. It was a balmy night strangely enough so we all came dressed for the cold and instead sweated! One other blessing for the evening.... we went by the Murphys house who unexpectedly had a present for Jodi. One of the treasures was a beautiful pale blue headband with little jewels in it that just happened to match her Cinderella dress. Pretty cool!!!! I worked a deal with Jodi to get half of her candy for my services in escorting her to the doors. We'll see if that actually works and I am NOT holding my breath! Love to you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'll trade you all my delicious almond joys for your yucky little snicker bars....
