Saturday, August 22, 2009

Food from the South

Fred officially introduced Jodi to the Waffle House which is new to Asheboro. They had a date night and we discovered that Jodi loves omelettes! Waffle House was mine and Fred's first official date (I had to invite him after a church function...) where we talked until the late hours. It meant alot to now share that with her. We went back to our physician in Concord for followup this week. He was so pleased that she has done so well and we thanked him for his wonderful guidance in caring for Jodi. God has absolutely led us to the right people!

Little Miss Jodi is getting into everything including Mama's makeup when Mama's not around! I was looking for my compact and noticed this trail of powder all over the bathroom only to find my broken compact mysteriously under the towel rack. How did it get there, you may ask??!! Our little girly girl is fascinated with makeup and when asked, proceeded to cry and tell me over and over, "I'm sorry." She has such a conscience and you eventually have to tell her she doesn't need to apologize anymore! Jodi starts preschool in just a few weeks which we can't believe. We're excited for her on the one hand but on the other hand, she will be out of our sight for several hours a day. It's hard when you can no longer control their environment and what they are exposed to. That's when our prayer life gets really good!!!

Jodi has grown 2 inches and gained 5 pounds since coming to America. Fred keeps telling her to slow down so we can have our little girl for a little longer. It's getting harder to pick her up without grunting and sweating but we're still trying!! Love to you all and God bless.

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