Saturday, August 29, 2009

Trying the Bike

It's been a good week. Jodi lost her second tooth which fell right out when she was eating some pizza! The tooth fairy is cheap at our house but she did get a quarter to put in her piggy bank. She tried her bicycle but after a few attempts told me that it was "too hard." She did really try and we'll just have to encourage her to keep it up. We know it's great exercise for her legs but recognize that it really is alot of work for her.
Jodi caught her first cold this week. Her usually sweet little voice was about 2 octaves lower the other morning which sounded funny coming from her! We may have created a monster because she's walking around saying, "Jodi Lang doesn't feel good. Poor Jodi Lang. Poor Jodi Lang." She's healing up well but it's hard to see her sick.
Earlier this week we had the radio on during dinner. We're dating ourselves here but one of Fred's favorite old songs came on the radio called "Funkytown." We were singing it and dancing around in our chairs basically being silly. Out of the blue, here's Jodi singing "Funkytown" right on pitch. We fell out laughing because it was so unexpected. What a cutie! We're gearing up for her to start preschool the week after next. Hard to believe how far we've come in such a short time. So many blessings!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Food from the South

Fred officially introduced Jodi to the Waffle House which is new to Asheboro. They had a date night and we discovered that Jodi loves omelettes! Waffle House was mine and Fred's first official date (I had to invite him after a church function...) where we talked until the late hours. It meant alot to now share that with her. We went back to our physician in Concord for followup this week. He was so pleased that she has done so well and we thanked him for his wonderful guidance in caring for Jodi. God has absolutely led us to the right people!

Little Miss Jodi is getting into everything including Mama's makeup when Mama's not around! I was looking for my compact and noticed this trail of powder all over the bathroom only to find my broken compact mysteriously under the towel rack. How did it get there, you may ask??!! Our little girly girl is fascinated with makeup and when asked, proceeded to cry and tell me over and over, "I'm sorry." She has such a conscience and you eventually have to tell her she doesn't need to apologize anymore! Jodi starts preschool in just a few weeks which we can't believe. We're excited for her on the one hand but on the other hand, she will be out of our sight for several hours a day. It's hard when you can no longer control their environment and what they are exposed to. That's when our prayer life gets really good!!!

Jodi has grown 2 inches and gained 5 pounds since coming to America. Fred keeps telling her to slow down so we can have our little girl for a little longer. It's getting harder to pick her up without grunting and sweating but we're still trying!! Love to you all and God bless.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Fun with Nye Nye Huffstetler

This first picture shows Jodi doing her favorite thing now which is winking! It's hilarious because her whole face scrunches up. We laughed the first time she did it so now she does it alot and not always at the best times like winking at people in church!! Nye Nye Huffstetler came and stayed with us a week which was a tremendous help. Jodi had so much fun with her and as you can see from this picture got some beautiful dresses from Nye Nye. Jodi is starting to do more imaginative play now like being Supergirl and running around the house with a blanket tied around her neck. It's so fun to watch this evolve because she didn't know how to play like that at first. Now she has tea parties with Nye Nye and plays mama to her baby doll!
We had our first meeting with a social worker which is required at 6 and 12 months. It went well as far as we could tell so we guess we get to keep her!! Just kidding.... The social worker came out to the house and observed us with her as well as asking alot of questions. Jodi was very sweet, running all around the house and laughing and playing. I really think Jodi is going to be all about the fashion. This morning she came out in her Sunday dress with another bow on the front that she had added by using a hair clip to hold it on. If the dress doesn't twirl, she doesn't want to wear it!! We are continuing to do well and hope you are. Love to you!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sleeping Bag Party

Little Miss Jodi got the greatest surprise from her cousin Emily! She is now the proud owner of a Disney Princess sleeping bag which she is so excited about. She wanted to get in it immediately though first putting it over her head because she'd never seen a sleeping bag and didn't know what to do! Her wonderful Baba decided on a "sleeping bag party" so we set up a sheet as a tent and they spent the night under there. Jodi had her flashlight for their campout and I could here the two of them laughing away under their tent. Pretty special!! Earlier that day, we had a great time swimming with her cousins and Baba taught her how to float. She is getting more comfortable in the water and loves the pool!
Jodi is also working on her fashion sense and we think she may have a future in fashion. (OK... maybe not but....) She came out wearing Baba's ties around her waist which looked really cute. She loves to put on her makeup that Aunt Betty gave her when Mama's getting ready. Quite the girly girl!!! We thank God that Jodi got a good report from her neurosurgeon. I think he's as pleased as we are with her progress because as he said, "I've never seen anything like her before and probably never will again!" We don't go back for another 6 months. Jodi is making some progress with her language though she gets frustrated sometimes. She definitely has her moments of pushing limits but still responds to us (which we pray continues!!!). She will often say, "Mama and Baba proud of Jodi Lang." We nod our heads and tell her how much we love her. Thank you for your continued love and support and God bless.